How well do you know your Bible facts?
This page is a fun way to test and improve your Bible knowledge.
The questions are broken down into groups of a 100. Each question
has a flashing red dot at the end which contains a link to the answer for
that question. Test your knowledge and see how many you can get correct.
These questions were originally put together
by Fred E. Dennis in his tract Fifteen Hundred Bible Questions and Answers.
If you want a copy of this tract you can order from Dehoff Book Store 749
N.W. Broad St. Murfreesboro, 37129.
First 100 questions
Second 100 questions
Third 100 questions
Fourth 100 questions
Fifth 100 questions
Sixth 100 questions
Seventh 100 questions
Eighth 100 questions
Ninth 100 questions
Tenth 100 questions
Eleventh 100 questions
Twelfth 100 questions
Thirteenth 100 questions
Fourteenth 100 questions
Fifteenth 100 questions